Sunday, 2 November 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hello / Jambo!

The aim of this blog is to keep friends and family up to date with my big 'African adventure'.

What will I be doing?

On January 20th 2009, I will be boarding a plane whisking me to Tanzania. After three months volunteer work, my lovely boyfriend Jon will be flying out to meet me in Dar Es Salaam (business capital of Tanzania) where we will pick up the train line. We will travel across Tanzania, round Malawi and into Zambia where we will eventually fly back from Lusaka at the end of June.

I am volunteering in a Primary School called Sekei just outside of the city - Arusha. I am going with a very small and friendly gap year organisation called Oyster Worldwide .

14 volunteers will be going, but we are split up between a number of schools. There will be three other girls with me at Sekei in a basic school house - breeze blocks, tin roof, the toilet is a hole in the ground, no electricty, and water only if the rainy season's been good! The house is right in the middle of the school grounds, so we've been told to expect kids banging on the door wanting to come in and practise their English!

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