Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Writing about being on Safari is harder than you might think. I can tell you about the facts - the places we visited and the animals we saw - but there is no way to describe how it feels to screech to a halt because there are two leopards in the tree above your head, or sunrise over the Serengeti. I will, however, do my best!

We were taken to Lake Manyara, the Serengeti and the Ngorogoro Crater by our good-humoured, highly knowledgable, eagle-eyed driver Charles in four busy days. We saw all of the Big Five (a rarity) plus scores of other species.
I was glad we did Lake Manyara first, because it was a good ease-in for the truly spectaculr things to come. It was far more controlled than the other two Parks, with signposts, car park by a fenced hippo pool etc. Nevertheless, it was still spectacular with it's mixture of dense forest and lake shore. Our first glimpse of elephants was so exciting, in fact, the novelty never wore off! We saw 3 out of the 5, but I will talk of 'animal experiences' from other days to save repetition!

Run out of time. Tbc...

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